Wednesday, October 27, 2004

1 New Layyer

The CHILL of an Urban Autumn has left me, upon Stepping Out from Beneath my new Shower Head, feelling Cold and certainly Percept'ng a Aquaeous Loss of Humours. Specifically those Humours that DEFEND against Falling Ills and Bad Debts. Fortunatly for Myself, and those of you For Whome the Halls of Liquidity have Granted Entrance, Commerce offers a COZY SOLUTION. A fine apres spa garment, woven with Meticulous Care under the All Seeing Eye of Quality Control, in the Grandest of all the World's MECHANOHUMANISTIC Complexes to be enjoyyed, upon our Leisure, in the Insulat'd Still Airre of our Modern Homes.

a PARAGON of Comfortt

Monday, October 25, 2004

Conveyyed to Pleasure

So it Was, I was Blessed with Fortune and Luck, Sufficient to Carry me to a Fandy Beach, Wherein I did enjoy the WATER and SKY. Modesty Restricts my RELATION of meny DETAILS, However, I can say With-Out too Myriad a Fear of Offense, that more than Once I did Find Myself and Mistress Engaged in a MARINUS COITUM LUNAR. ALSO to be menshion'd, the Intoxicating AFFECTS of the Allegedly Sans Alcoholo Bevrage "Martinellis", for lo, was I More than Once Launched into an Impromtu Demonstation of Auto-Phallatio Public, while Under the Heady Press of said Drink.

Phosphorgraph of Beach~

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Gone are the day when Computations were LABORIOUS and UNPLEASANT for the Individual, for We, in all HUMBLESS to GOD GRAYTE GLORY, Have improvved upon NATURE ITSELF with Today's New, Improved, Humanistic, and Empowering "WORKS STATION". BEHOLD, what was once performed with Pencil and Pen, Shall forthwith Be Perfomed on a Magical PHOSPHER/ELECTRIC COMPUTOR!

And to also behold WISE WORDS INDEED...

Monday, October 11, 2004

A Purchase, A Grande Water Thief.

For now, once a day, I am Reminded of the Improvements and Augmentashions of one's MOOD and SCENT Commerce can Bestow, During the Enjoym'nt of a NEW SHOWER HEAD: $70.

Friday, October 08, 2004

yay, Like Tides do these Ages March

or Ruminations on the IDLE MERCHANT CLASS, being those whose Sole Daily Occupation is the Monitoring and Use of the Electric/Posphor Computor.

As it is that DEATH'S FORM no longer Chases us from Bed each day, the Spectre of Plague no longer a hindrant to EROS, the Capricious and Bloody whims of a Constitutionally Frail MONARCH no longer Dictating our Various Movements, we have now a great FREEDOM and CUMULOUS to be Enjoyed or Feard in our MIDDLE AGE. We have in this GREAT EXPANSE placed not Great Works, nor Vast Alter, but MEDIA, Consummed as the Stone and enjoied with such FERVOR that CORPULENCE is now Epidemic and Art has been reduced to LINEAR REPETATIVE FORMS, subsequently Elevated and Vivisected in its Minutae so as to APPEAR to be ART. Art, Employment, and even Social Interaction is Entirely a SEDENTARY activity for the entire Middle Class.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Being an account of TWO varieties of CHEESE

Raw Milk Fontina;Firm Cheese to be Scortched beneath a Salamander or Loggerhead upon a firm Brat at First Light, In Vigorating the Senses and Bracing the Humours. Tastes of NUTTY OILS and Loamy Parchments leading to Creamy Fens made more interestion by Pizzacattos of Air in Even Distrobushion.
Rochebaron; A Randy Duke of the highest order, Enjoy'd by Philosopher and Pugilistte alike, provided they are Stout and Brave not being turnned away by Grayte and Strange Odors. Not to be consumed by Women or the Mad as it is known to be an Exagerator of Lunar Symptualities. Tastes of Clott'd Ammonnya and Finest Milk do proceed to Duel, Cuspids the spectators, a GLORIOUS and HONORABLE FIGHT the winner being Determined by the Comestor.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Afore Mention'd listte...

1. A Davenport, enrobed in Chintz of the Modern Design; couch, sofa
2. A Pair of Denimpants, Levi Prop. Style NO 501; Jeans LEVI'S
3. A Proper Bedde with a Steel and Fabric BOXSPRING of dimensions and quality that are in congrefs with pre-existing MATRESS; some fanciful shitte from ABC
4. A Sharpe Knyfe; carbon, non-serrat'd
5. A Wrist-Strapped Time Piese; Bulgari, silvermail strappe
6. A TELEVISION, of the Newest Planar Style approx. 5 hands in Diagonal Dimenshion;Phillips, Sony Props.