Friday, July 29, 2005

Hamburger Town


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Heat Index


Wednesday, July 27, 2005


gregorClick to enlargen the image, thereby increasing the information.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Neck: Dirty and Gritty

That red light is not a sunset, it is the glow from the river of lava has replaced the east river. It's that hot.

Monday, July 25, 2005


A weekend spent sitting in a french chair, taking pictures of whatever was above my head. There were aspens above my head.

Friday, July 22, 2005

People are so Whatever.

Ever wonder what this looks like from the ground?

The Ancient and the Old

I have a digital camera again:
I will be adding a dedicated photo area to the already impressive Burrito Problem Plaza.
It will need a name. I have narrowed it down to 19 choices, thoughts?
The American Mile
Fish Now
Street Shotz
Stop Stealing My Ideas, Glen
Uncle Boat's Posphor Show
Wait, What? (or, Lights, Camera, Wait, What?)
Photos for Bettie (Why is she always crying?)
Fame Grab
Kennedy Fried Piction
Amorous Liasons of the Heart
All Tomorrow's Parties Have Been Cancelled
People Are So Whatever
Focus on Tequila
The Car at the End of the Driveway
Vicious Troll
A Gorgon's Tears
Hallelujah, it's Rainin' Heroin and Sofas