Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Cat Names

Now I'll admit that for us jaded New Yorkers, a celebrity sighting is really no big deal. I am always runnning into SJP at the local Sally's, Vince Vaughn at the Planned Parenthood, or even Mark Levinson at Craft. And us Jaded New Yorkers are used to partying with Interpol on a sunday, getting our eyes waxed by the drummer from Dungen on moving L train, or just kicking back with Ana Mendieta on a thursday, paper cutting our thighs with bad reviews out of the latest issue of CRAMP. But, even a JADED NEW YORKER is forced to take a moment to reflect when they get the chance to share a drink with a true Movie Star. You JADED! GODDAMNED! NEW YORKERS! won't even be able to roll all of your eyes now, you know who i am talking about.
Elvis Costello!
Yes, he lives in my building, and the other night at the bottom of the garbage chute we were scraping out our shoes, and we got a chance to talk about the weather, and to wear our night-glasses. I wanted the conversation to contintue so i ate garbage (mid-town chaat, not bad) and acted jaded. The conversation ran it course, hitting at least five seperate Times Magazine topics (one from 97!), and what do you know? He let me have his garbage. Even a jaDEDNEwyorKeR, has to say "I love this town", now and then.
Anyways, i have to run, the tea-pot is whistling the theme song from Our Own Boat (fave show) and my cat Sheigh-Lay-Ogg (Celtic for "faraway whiskers"), is trying to get my other cat, Madison, out of the Bose.


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