Friday, April 29, 2005


So I finally decided to use one of the thousands of reader submitted Thursday Skulls.
So, to all you out there that have submitted, keep your hopes up!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Skull Thursday is broken

All my equipment is messed up, so, in Skull Thursday's stead, a shitty fantasy vignette:

Lord Ajjinor-Mull withdrew his blade from the now cloven raiment and vestrycloth of Undwyn the Dead. Sheathing the Nameless Butcher, he leaned down and clinched his fist about the fell amulet that did now burn Undwyn's throatpiece. Lo, he did not loosen his grip until his steed did pass into Hidden Valley, and his Ranch did come into view. Yay, 'twas only upon hearing the peels of the Great Bell of Hidden Valley Ranch, that he did feel warm. Warm enough to look upon the amulet that was in his weakening grip. And yay, did he look. There in his scarred hand there did coldly burn, The Darkenstone.
The Darkenstone made him sad, and he wept golden tears. And thus he spoke unto his now gathered peoples: "For now, no logge shall be thrown upon any fyre! None shall be thy numbyr of coles burn'd in thy stovve, no sup in all bellys. For now! Grumpy's Prophessy is upon our hearthsongs. The Darkenstone is with us! All food will poison, all logges will choke, all coals are ash. This is the End."

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Frame one:
Brad Pencil: "Oh man, I can't believe it, I lost my car! (so embarrasing)"
Braunwin Pall-O-Mine: "Is it that red one?"
Frame two:
Sir B. P'cil: "You mean this one? The one I am standing right in front of?"
Sir B. P'ine: "Yeah!"
Frame three:
There is to be no dialog in frame three.
Frame four:
Sir Brad "Deranger's Bane" Pencil: "NO!!"

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Es Tee

garbage_cantOh this is cute. Portnoy Skeleton was at home one evening doing his taxes and he was all:
"Wait, the line 45 of the Partial Resident is the total of lines 30 through 45 on the IT-220. But what about the income I earned in Oregon? When does that get subtracted from my New York State income totals. Oh holy shit, There is a line for City income taxHOLD THE PHONE, FUCK THIS SHIT..."
He jumps in his garbage can...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Klassic Komedy Kut, from "the past".
Frame one:
Aeowynne the Lonely Magi: "MMM MARY!!"
Frame two:
Buffrin-of-the-Lane: "Wait what?"
Frame three:
1985 Ford Paramour: "I'm a car!"
Frame four:
Neighbor Steve: "If you didn't want me to come over to your house, why did you drop that reciept on the floor of freddies after buying all the Best Foods? I can't live lik this you [illegible] me sick, my horr is [illegible]"

Friday, April 15, 2005

Skullman Thursdie

Special Friday Edition.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Dear oh dear.
Frame one:
C. Christian Jameson Thomas: "Not goin' out this way"
Frame two:
Juztinn: "No? Why not?"
Frame three:
C.C.J.T.: "I am a mercinary, I am in dungarees. I am a shakedown cruise for your identity!"

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Skull Thursday

not_like_that_I_wontWell sure he's wearing a cowboy top hat and a wine bottle.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Do you know what? I don't feeling like drwing today, it's too "taxing".