Monday, October 03, 2005


Part One,
Things from earlier generations, and my opinion.
Musicians whose significance I understand, and that I also enjoy:
Jimi Hendrix
Bob Dylan
The Band
Joni Mitchell
The Rolling Stones
Musicians whose significance I accept, but do not care for:
The Beach Boys
Janis Joplin
Joan Baez
Neil Young
Musicians whose significance I begrudginly admit to, despite how I detest them:
Leonard Cohen
The Doors
Bee Gees
The Rolling Stones
Crosby, Stills, and Nash
Musicians whose significance I do not understand at all:
James Taylor
Part Two
Google Hits for the follwing strings:

"important" - 1,200,000,000 hits
"very important" - 65,800,000 hits
"very very important" - 686,000 hits
"very very very important" - 10,600 hits
"very very very very important" - 1,040 hits
"very very very very very important" - 1,140 hits <---interesting!
"very very very very very very important" - 528 hits
"very very very very very very very important" - 331 hits
"very very very very very very very very important" - 230 hits
"very very very very very very very very very important" - 96 hits
"very very very very very very very very very very important" - 69 hits
"very very very very very very very very very very very important" - 52 hits
Google's limit for search strings is 32 words, at "very^30 important" - 14 hits


Blogger lforney said...

Hi Germany!
You should pressure Austria to accept Turkey into the E.U.! Totally!

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I refuse to aknowledge your nomination until you disclose your position on the Rolling Stones.

2:21 AM  
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3:26 PM  
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2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:20 PM  
Blogger My Boring Best said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog. I gotta admit, I was pretty surprised to hear from you.

I've got so many fond memories of that trip to Europe. The scariest memory is of you giving the finger to that GIANT bouncer in Prague and him attacking you. I almost pissed my pants.

Say hey to Chip and if you talk to Jeremiah, tell that f'er to call me or write.


5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my visitors from and am glad I did! I actually got sales! Yay!

12:24 AM  
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